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DIG Development Hack Week Ideas


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Shorten DIGicon's sync-time by utilizing a gRPC webservice.

Rewrite the DIgicon webservice and sync process to use gRPC (Remote Procedure Call developed by Google) to speed-up the sync process. gRPC has proven to be up to 7-times faster that REST, and REST is faster than SOAP. DIGicon currently uses the SO...
Greg Neeley almost 4 years ago in DIGicon 0 Selected for Hack Week

Get EVERYTHING out of Green Screen

There are still some programs in Green Screen that Robert has to manage. It would be amazing to finally get these in GIAS where they belong.
Rebecca Browne almost 4 years ago in GIAS 0 Pending Selection

DIGicon Install Update Overnight

A user would be able to pick install tonight in the remind me later options or pick a certain time. Then the timer in DIGicon would kick off the install process once that time occurs. Not sure if this will work if the computer goes to sleep or oth...
Nathan Bachert almost 4 years ago in DIGicon 0 Pending Selection

Move GIAS web services to FDLIC REST project

The GIAS web service project is an old solution to an even older problem. The problem we have today is foundation is dependent on it being up and available. We need to either move the queries into foundation so we aren't dependent on the GIAS web ...
Guest almost 4 years ago in CLAIMCHECK / GIAS / Online Access 0 Selected for Hack Week

All Phone Extension list to be maintained within OA/GIAS

Mary Beth submitted the following idea "Currently I am the keeper of the phone extension list, which changes often. The managers have requested we send out current extension list. I did send one out and within hours there were several changes.All ...
Alyssa over 3 years ago in Online Access 0 Pending Selection

Text for a report

This could apply to either Passare or OA, but it would be cool if funeral homes could text some specific phone number and receive back some report that they request from us. For example, they could text "Sales Over Time last month" and receive tha...
Guest almost 4 years ago in Reporting 0 Pending Selection

Customizable queues in Contract Approval with Vue.js

In Digicon OA, ever since we added the South Mississippi functionality to Contract Approval, the code has turned into spaghetti. For this idea, I want to create a stand-alone app that allows funeral homes to login and create their own contract app...
John Wolfe almost 4 years ago in Online Access 0 Pending Selection

Advanced Search option for Claimcheck

The search bar at the top of the ClaimCheck dashboard (when signed in as a processor) allows users to to search for assignments by FH, Insurance Company and insured name. Since there isnt a way to mark what type of search the user wants to make, i...
Alyssa over 3 years ago in CLAIMCHECK 0 Pending Selection

Mobile App for monitoring/managing cycles

it would be incredibly useful to be able to completely manage and maintain cycles in GIAS from a mobile app. I would like to be able to do the following: view all running jobs and job history view steps of jobs run times of both steps and jobs upd...
Guest almost 4 years ago in GIAS 0 Pending Selection

Fee Override for ClaimCheck

Add the ability for ClaimCheck Admins to override the fee amount for an assignment. Occassionally an assignment needs a special rate when we dont want to change it for the entire funeral home.
ben ciani almost 4 years ago in CLAIMCHECK 0 Pending Selection