This idea has a few parts, but the basic idea is to have a centralized and standard way of dealing with email addresses when testing.
1. The goal would be to add a global function that will recognize any email address that ends in, for example,, @passare.ops, etc. (this would exclude, .net, etc. Any valid email domain) and redirect those emails.
This should be able to be used anywhere in the system and allow a clean system for test email control. This method in theory would allow this testing function to work even in Production, since it is limited to only invalid email addresses.
2. It would be great to have a backend (Super-Admin) system to manage this so that it doesn't have to all be done manually by developers. This backend system would have a way to add/remove email boxes and what users are on what mailboxes. It would also allow the creation/removal of email boxes and management of the "rules".
Lofty-goal view for individual use would be... If I wanted to have my own test email box, I would be able to setup johndoe@passare.luke, and have a mailbox for all @passare.luke emails that will send them just to me, to avoid clogging up the email inboxes of other users. I would also be able to go into the SuperAdmin area and see a list of all emails I have used for testing, to avoid having issues with duplicates.
Bonus Feature - A Global toast message warning or modal for re-use of email addresses, such as "This email is already being used on another case, are you sure you want to use this email address?".
Your name | Luke Hale |